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FLSA Hours Worked Advisor

Home-To-Work and Return (Commuting)

When your employee travels from home before his or her regular workday, and returns home at the end of the workday he or she is engaged in ordinary home-to-work travel. This is true whether he or she works at a fixed location or at different job sites.

Ordinary home-to-work and return travel time is probably not hours worked.

However, if you require your employee to perform some work-related duties while traveling between his or her home and the work site, the time may be hours worked. Some examples of such work related duties which may be hours worked include:

  • Providing transportation for other employees to or from the work site;
  • Picking up supplies or equipment from local suppliers while traveling to or from the work site;
  • Stopping at your place of business (e.g. home office) to pick up supplies, tools, to receive instructions or do other work there before traveling to or from the work site.

Do you require your employee to perform any work-related duties while traveling to or returning from the work site?