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WARN Advisor

Single Site of Employment

The term "single site" of employment may refer to either:

  • A single location or a group of contiguous locations. Groups of structures which form a campus or industrial park, or separate facilities across the street from one another may be considered a single site of employment;
  • Several single sites of employment within a single building if separate employers conduct activities within the building. For example, an office building housing 50 different businesses will contain 50 single sites of employment. The offices of each employer will be its single site of employment;
  • Separate buildings or areas that are not directly connected but are in close proximity and which share staff and equipment. An example is an employer which manages a number of warehouses in an area and which regularly shifts or rotates the same employees from one building to another;
  • Non-contiguous sites in the same geographic area which do not share the same staff or operational purpose should not be considered a single site. For example, assembly plants which are located on opposite sides of a town and which are managed by a single employer are separate sites if they employ different workers;
  • Contiguous buildings owned by the same employer which have separate management, produce different products, and have separate workforces are considered separate single sites of employment; or
  • Workers who primarily travel, who are outstationed or whose duties involve work outside the employer's primary work sites are considered to be assigned to the single site of employment to which they are assigned in the employer's organizational structure, the home base from which work is assigned, or the home base to which workers report.
