Fair Labor Standards Act Advisor
- What is the minimum wage?
- What is the minimum wage for workers who receive tips?
- Must young workers be paid the minimum wage?
- When are pay raises required?
- Is extra pay required for weekend or night work?
- How are vacation pay, sick pay, holiday pay computed and when are they due?
- How is severance pay calculated and when is it pay due?
- When must breaks and meal periods be given?
- Are periodic performance evaluations required?
- Can an employee be required to perform work outside of the employee’s job description?
- When is overtime due?
- How many hours per day or per week can an employee work?
- How many hours is full-time employment? How many hours is part-time employment?
- When can an employee’s scheduled hours of work be changed?
- When is double time due?
- Is extra pay required for weekend or night work?
- Are pay stubs required?
- What notices must be given before an employee is terminated or laid off?
- Who must get a W-2 form and how does an employee obtain one?
- When employment is terminated, when must the employee receive his/her 401(k) contributions or profit-sharing?
- How are unemployment benefits calculated?
- How are worker’s compensation benefits calculated?
- When does an employee have to receive health insurance?
- What happens to an employee’s health insurance when employment is terminated?