FirstStep Employment Law Advisor
What best describes the nature of your business or organization?
Please consider only the establishment for which you are running the Advisor when responding.
Please note that generally, non-profit status has no impact on Federal employment law coverage or Federal poster requirements.
- Accommodation and food services (e.g., restaurants, hotels, caterers)
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing
- Construction, reconstruction or repair including alteration, remodeling, painting and decorating
- Education (e.g., private school or college, day care, computer training)
- Entertainment, arts and recreation
- Federal agency
- Financial, insurance and real estate
- Health care and social assistance (e.g., doctors' office, private hospital, nursing home, clinic, medical laboratory, home health care)
- Information (e.g., broadcasting, publishing, telecommunications, Internet)
- Manufacturing or processing of a product
- Mining, including surface mining
- Professional and administrative support services (e.g., legal, accounting, engineering, management, tax, rental, leasing, temporary help, janitorial services)
- Retail trade (e.g., stores, parts dealers)
- Religious, charitable or nonprofit organization (e.g., places of worship, grantmaking, advocacy, civil and social organization, labor union)
- State or local government (e.g., public education, hospitals, water and sewer districts, transportation systems, etc.)
- Services, Other (e.g., landscaping, repair, maintenance, laundry, household, personal)
- Transportation and warehousing including courier services
- U.S. Postal Service
- Utility, private (e.g., electric, gas, sewer)
- Wholesale trade