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OSHA Lead in Construction Advisor


(e)(1) Engineering and Work Practice Controls.

The employer shall implement engineering and work practice controls, including administrative controls, to reduce and maintain employee exposure to lead to or below the permissible exposure limit to the extent that such controls are feasible. Wherever all feasible engineering and work practices controls that can be instituted are not sufficient to reduce employee exposure to or below the permissible exposure limit prescribed in paragraph (c) of this section, the employer shall nonetheless use them to reduce employee exposure to the lowest feasible level and shall supplement them by the use of respiratory protection that complies with the requirements of paragraph (f) of this section.

(e)(2) Compliance Program.

(2)(i) Prior to commencement of the job each employer shall establish and implement a written compliance program to achieve compliance with paragraph (c) of this section.

(2)(ii) Written plans for these compliance programs shall include at least the following:

    (ii)(A) A description of each activity in which lead is emitted; e.g. equipment used, material involved, controls in place, crew size, employee job responsibilities, operating procedures and maintenance practices;
    (ii)(B) A description of the specific means that will be employed to achieve compliance and, where engineering controls are required engineering plans and studies used to determine methods selected for controlling exposure to lead;
    (ii)(C) A report of the technology considered in meeting the PEL;
    (ii)(D) Air monitoring data which documents the source of lead emissions;
    (ii)(E) A detailed schedule for implementation of the program, including documentation such as copies of purchase orders for equipment, construction contracts, etc.;
    (ii)(F) A work practice program which includes items required under paragraphs (g), (h) and (i) of this section and incorporates other relevant work practices such as those specified in paragraph (e)(5) of this section;
    (ii)(G) An administrative control schedule required by paragraph (e)(4) of this section, if applicable;
    (ii)(H) A description of arrangements made among contractors on multi-contractor sites with respect to informing affected employees of potential exposure to lead and with respect to responsibility for compliance with this section as set-forth in 1926.16.
    (ii)(I) Other relevant information.
    (2)(iii) The compliance program shall provide for frequent and regular inspections of job sites, materials, and equipment to be made by a competent person.
    (2)(iv) Written programs shall be submitted upon request to any affected employee or authorized employee representatives, to the Assistant Secretary and the Director, and shall be available at the worksite for examination and copying by the Assistant Secretary and the Director.
    (2)(v) Written programs shall be revised and updated at least every 6 months to reflect the current status of the program.

(e)(3) Mechanical Ventilation.

When ventilation is used to control lead exposure, the employer shall evaluate the mechanical performance of the system in controlling exposure as necessary to maintain its effectiveness.

(e)(4) Administrative Controls.

If administrative controls are used as a means of reducing employees TWA exposure to lead, the employer shall establish and implement a job rotation schedule which includes:

    (4)(i) Name or identification number of each affected employee;
    (4)(ii) Duration and exposure levels at each job or work station where each affected employee is located; and
    (4)(iii) Any other information which may be useful in assessing the reliability of administrative controls to reduce exposure to lead.


The employer shall ensure that, to the extent relevant, employees follow good work practices such as described in Appendix B of this section.

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OSHA | OSHA Lead in Construction Advisor