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Veterans' Preference Advisor

Since the time of the Civil War, veterans of the Armed Forces [as defined in 38 USC 101(10)] have been given some degree of preference in appointments to Federal jobs.

By law (Title 5 USC, Section 2108) , veterans who are disabled or who serve on active duty in the Armed Forces during certain specified time periods or in military campaigns are entitled to preference over non-veterans both in Federal hiring practices and in retention during reductions in force (RIF).

The National Defense Authorization Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-163) extends Veterans' Preference to those individuals who served on active duty for a period of more than 180 consecutive days any part of which occurred during the period beginning on September 11, 2001, and ending on a future date prescribed by Presidential proclamation or by law as the last date of Operation Iraqi Freedom; and, who were discharged or released from active duty in the armed forces under honorable conditions.

Preference applies in hiring from civil service examinations, for most excepted service jobs, and when agencies make temporary appointments or use direct hire and delegated examining authorities from the


(Public Law 105-339)

1. Preference Eligibles who allege that an agency has violated such individual's rights under any statute or regulation relating to veterans' preference may file a complaint with the Secretary of Labor, The Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS).

2. Complaints must be filed within 60 days after the date of the alleged violation.

3. Not earlier than 61 days after filing a complaint with VETS, complainants may appeal their case to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB).

4. If the MSPB has not issued a decision within 120 days, claimants may seek judicial redress in the US District Courts. Details of these procedures are identified in section 3 of the VEOA, PL 105-339.

5. Veterans' preference is extended to now apply to employee positions in the Government Accounting Office, Office of the President, certain legislative and judicial positions, in Reduction In Force (RIF) situations and the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA).

6. Failure to comply with veterans' preference requirements will be treated as a Prohibited Personnel Practice (PPP) for certain purposes. To knowingly take, recommend, or approve any personnel action if the failure to take such action would violate veteran’s preference requirements or to fail to take, recommend or approve any personnel action if the failure to take such action would violate veterans' preference requirements is a PPP.
