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Fair Labor Standards Act Advisor

Your employees are probably covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act in all workweeks since they are engaged on a regular or recurring basis in interstate commerce or in a job essential to interstate commerce.

Accordingly, you need to comply with the FLSA for this employee or category of employees. If the employee's involvement in interstate commerce is limited, we suggest that you also explore more examples of individual coverage which may apply. If you believe you can demonstrate that an employee is not engaged in interstate commerce in all workweeks, it is your responsibility to demonstrate this in your records.

Remember that some employees are exempt from the law's overtime pay provisions, both the minimum wage and overtime pay provisions, and/or child labor rules. To explore the broad categories of these exemptions or to obtain other information about the law please select FLSA Advisor below.

Also remember that the FLSA applies only to your employees and not all Federal laws share common definitions of employee. If you are not treating your workers as employees we suggest you select Are my workers employees? below and explore this issue.

For more information, please contact your local Wage and Hour District Office.

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