ERISA Fiduciary Advisor
Provides information and answers to a variety of questions about who is a fiduciary and their responsibilities under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Advisor
Helps employers and employees determine coverage and eligibility under FMLA and reviews valid reasons for leave, notification responsibilities and employee rights and benefits under the Act.

FirstStep - Employment Law Overview Advisor
Provides a brief primer on each law's basic provisions as well as any related recordkeeping, reporting and notice requirements.

FirstStep - Recordkeeping, Reporting and Notices Advisor
Provides detailed explanations of each major laws' recordkeeping, reporting and notice requirements.

FirstStep - Poster Advisor
Helps employers determine which Federal DOL posters they are required to display and print required posters free of charge.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Advisor (también en Español)
Provides employers and employees with the information they need to understand Federal minimum wage, overtime, child labor and recordkeeping requirements.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Coverage and Employment Status Advisor (también en Español)
Helps employers and employees understand and determine coverage under the FLSA.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Overtime Calculator Advisor
Helps employers and employees understand overtime pay principles and allows them to calculate overtime pay based on their own data for a sample pay period.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Overtime Security Advisor
Helps employers and employees determine whether a particular employee is exempt from the FLSA's minimum wage and overtime pay requirements.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Hours Worked Advisor (también en Español)
Helps employers and employees determine which work-related activities are considered "hours worked" and thus hours for which employees must be paid.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Section 14(c) Advisor
Helps employers, employees and their family members understand FLSA Section 14(c), which authorizes employers, after receiving a certificate from DOL, to pay less than the Federal minimum wage to workers who have disabilities for the work being performed.

H-1B Advisor
Helps users determine if they fulfill the requirements of the H-1B visa program by answering questions relevant to specific H-1B classified workers. It also outlines notification requirements, monetary issues, worksite issues, recordkeeping and worker protections, as well as additional requirements for employers deemed to be H-1B dependent or willful violators.

Health Benefits Advisor
Helps employees and their families make informed decisions about their employer-based health benefits, particularly when facing life and work changes such as marriage, childbirth, death, divorce, job loss, a new job or retirement.

Health Benefits Advisor for Employers
Helps private sector employers understand their responsibilities and assists them in complying with the Federal laws applicable to their group health plans.

MSHA Fire Suppression and Fire Protection Advisor
Helps mine operators determine minimum fire protection requirements for electrical and diesel equipment.

MSHA Online Forms Advisor
Helps mine operators and others in the mining industry understand and fulfill their filing requirements.

OLMS Union Elections Advisor
Helps users understand certain rights of union members and candidates in union officer elections, and the responsibilities of union officers and other involved in conducting union officer elections, as prescribed by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, as amended (LMRDA).

OSHA Cadmium Biological Monitoring Advisor
Helps medical professionals and workers exposed to cadmium in the workplace address the Federal monitoring and surveillance requirements of OSHA's general industry Cadmium Standard and provides guidance on conditions that may require a worker to be removed from further cadmium exposure.

OSHA Confined Spaces Advisor
Helps employers and employees identify confined spaces and handle them appropriately.

OSHA Hazard Awareness Advisor
Helps employers and employees identify hazards in general industry workplaces.

OSHA Lead in Construction Advisor
Helps construction employers and employees understand and comply with OSHA's regulations regarding occupational exposure to lead.

OSHA Recordkeeping Advisor
Helps employers understand their responsibilities to report and record work-related injuries and illnesses under OSHA regulations.

OSHA Software Expert Advisors
Helps employers and employees understand workplace safety and health issues though expert systems that are available for off-line use.

Small Business Retirement Savings Advisor
Helps small business employers understand various retirement savings options available to them and determine which one is most appropriate for them and their employees.

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) Advisor
Helps employers and employees understand their rights and responsibilities under USERRA and provides a notice that employers may post or distribute to fulfill their requirement to notify employees of their rights and benefits under the Act.

Veterans' Employment and Career Transition Advisor
Helps wounded and injured Service Members and Veterans access valuable online resources and contact information for one-on-one employment assistance to help them transition into the civilian workforce.

Veterans' Preference Advisor
Helps Veterans examine preferences they may be entitled to with regard to Federal employment.

e-VETS Resource Advisor
Helps active duty personnel, Veterans, reservists, National Guard members and their family members navigate Internet resources on job searching, employment openings, career assessment, education and training opportunities, and available benefits.

VETS-4212 Report Advisor
Helps federal contractors and subcontractors prepare their annual reports on their affirmative action efforts to employ protected veterans.

Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN) Advisor
This Advisor helps employers and workers understand the requirements of WARN, a law that, in certain circumstances, requires employers to provide advance notification of layoffs and plant closings in order to provide workers with sufficient time to seek other employment or retraining opportunities.